
A Biden Carol (Part 1) – Orion's Cold Fire

Scene 1 – The Oval Office

GLAAD – Have I the honor of addressing Mr. Biden or Mr. Epstein?

Biden – Mr. Epstein has been dead these seven years.  In fact, he hanged himself in prison exactly seven years ago this very night.

GLAAD – That’s not how I heard it happened.  Anyway, I’m sure his generosity is well represented by his surviving partner.

Biden – What do you want; you dog faced pony soldiers?!

GLAAD – At this festive time of the year it is more than usually desirable that we make some slight provision for the drag queens and other weirdos that have fallen on hard times.  Thousands are in need of necessities like eye-liner and mascara.  Hundreds of thousands are in want of holiday cheer like amyl nitrate and ketamine.

Biden – Are there no libraries, are there no grammar schools?

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