
A Tale of Two Op-Eds: The New York Times Finally Faces COVID Truths – Flopping Aces

Guess what, folks? The New York Times has finally decided to join the conversation we’ve been having for four years. They published not one, but TWO astonishing op-eds—one suggesting COVID probably started in a lab and another talking about how public trust was destroyed. Shocking, right? 🙄

Who’s been stopping those honest conversations? Oh, just the New York Times among others. And now, they’re acting like this is groundbreaking news. Can we finally talk about COVID honestly now, NYT?

Check out this gem of an article for a laugh. Better late than never, I suppose. 🤷‍♂️

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Posted by cstarman417

DEATH AND CONTROL – WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control are Fueling the Plan

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