
Another week, another 47 Americans reported dead to VAERS (v 57 last week) amongst 2,018 adverse events (v 1,841 last week)

17,071 dead in a little over 2 years is equivalent to almost 6 x “9/11’s” or 57 jumbo jets carrying 300 passengers – one jumbo jet crashing every two weeks or so. No response from the equivalent of air crash investigators. Consider that any under-reporting of the equivalent of jumbo jet crashes will raise this equivalence by the under-reporting factor – estimated to be somewhere between 20 and 40 (v 100 historically in the Lazarus Report).

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Posted by peter halligan

Six Children, Boys and Girls Ages 11 to 14, Arrested in Mob Attack on Woman in Philadelphia

9/11 First Responder NYPD Policewoman is Now a Convicted Felon for Entering Capitol & Shaking Tambourine on January 6th! FOUND GUILTY ON SEVEN COUNTS BY D.C. Ju