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Anti-Semitic Gaza Professor Joked About Hamas Murdering Baby, Called Jews ‘Nazis’

In one of the worst instances of Gaza “civilians” glorifying terrorism, an anti-Semitic Gaza professor joked about an Israeli baby Hamas baked in an oven and repeatedly called Jews “Nazis” on his Twitter/X page. The professor and writer, whose Twitter/X feed is a disgusting series of pro-terrorist, anti-Israel lies, was previously featured in a piece by the New York Times.

Refaat Alareer is a professor at Islamic University in Gaza. On his verified Twitter/X account, “Refaat in Gaza,” this wacko constantly denies terrorist atrocities that Hamas itself proudly filmed and announced, calls Jews “Nazis,” and spreads terrorist propaganda asserting Israel is committing “genocide” against Palestinians. Refaat even joked about a baby whom an Israeli first responder (a far more reliable source than Hamas and Palestinian Authority [PA] officials) found baked in an oven by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. But Refaat also thrice reposted a video of the Qassam Brigades—the military wing of Hamas—killing Israeli soldiers, including one touting “guerilla resistance strategy in action,” so we know he’s a pro-Hamas shill. His third repost celebrated the report that 15 Israeli soldiers were killed by Hamas.

Shockingly, Refaat was previously featured in a New York Times piece that claimed, “In Gaza, a Contentious Palestinian Professor Calmly Teaches Israeli Poetry…On social media, Refaat Alareer rages against Israel. In the lecture hall, he studiously analyzes the work of some of its leading poets — and surprises some of his students.” 

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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