
Biden keeps expanding his wars as Hamas crosses our borders – Flopping Aces

Biden is edging closer to another world war.

No sooner than Biden had surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban that he got the US into the war in Ukraine. It is a black hole for US taxpayer money ($113 billion so far) with absolutely no end in sight. For the last two years the war has remained at a standstill.  Russian troops have allies in the disputed land- which is very underreported by the media. The causalities on both sides are big:

The U.S. believes nearly 500,000 Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have been wounded or killed during the expansive conflict that has raged in Ukraine since February of last year, according to a New York Times report citing unnamed officials.

The officials cautioned that casualty figures remained difficult to estimate because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, and Kyiv does not disclose official figures, the newspaper said.

Russia’s military casualties are approaching 300,000, including as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injuries, the newspaper reported. Ukrainian deaths were close to 70,000, with 100,000 to 120,000 wounded, it added.

Enthusiasm has waned as reality busts through the front door.

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Posted by cstarman417

The state of Victoria in Australia which inflicted one of the longest and harshest lockdowns in the world

This vile woman then Former Liberal Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough was perfectly fine with not only excluding unvaccinated from the workforce