
Biden's condition is worse than you think. He's a threat to national security – Flopping Aces

By virtually all accounts, Joe Biden’s debate performance was disaster. At first the left was in denial and eventually shifted to “it was a just a bad night.” The family gathered together at Camp David for a summit to determine Biden’s future course. It was speculated that the family might be trying to talk Biden into stepping down, but apparently that was inaccurate. It was reported that they were rather displeased at some advisers.

Members of Joe Biden’s family privately trashed his top campaign advisers at Camp David this weekend, blaming them for the president’s flop in Thursday’s debate and urging Biden to fire or demote people in his political high command.

Biden’s campaign staff was angry about the debate conditions that they demanded.

Biden’s campaign staff only grew angrier at CNN as to how the debate was run, according to several people familiar with the conversations. Their complaints were lengthy, including that the moderators should have fact-checked Trump more often, that Biden was not told which camera he’d be on when not speaking and that the makeup staff made him appear too pale, according to the three people. Biden did, however, agree to the terms of the debate before it was held.

The editorial boards of a few newspapers (NY Times, AJC) called for Biden to drop out of the race but that’s not likely for a number of reasons.

Most unsurprising was who was strongest in urging Biden to continue- Jill and Hunter Biden. But they have a big problem on their hands. Biden is exhibiting the symptoms of real mental and physical debilitation- specifically, sundowning and Parkinsons. Liberals tried to take solace in Biden seeming to be more alert the next day while the sun was shining, and he had a teleprompter to read.

And there is the problem.

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