
Brave New World

Last month, Apple released its Vision Pro – a virtual reality headset designed for people to wear during most of their waking hours which they configure to their own specifications, allowing them to live in their own virtual world. The variety of applications that they use to construct their world are not seen by anyone else, so everyone using these devices will be living in different realities. This is exactly what the human race needs right now. We need to be not only more dependent on technology, but seamlessly connected to technology, to the extent that we are completely disconnected from other flesh and blood human beings. This will make the world a better place, further detaching humans from each other, giving humans the ability to completely immerse every part of themselves into a technologically created simulated existence so we can become further and further separated from reality and each other. 

 In recent years, society has continually rejected the idea of shared objective truth and embraced personal subjective reality by promoting concepts like “living your own truth” and discovering your “authentic self”. Now through this computer-driven subjective reality, people will not only live their own truth but create it as well. There will no longer be a shared objective truth, but our own private truths. Each person’s objective reality will be their subjective reality that technology created. Since the dawn of history, the universal struggle for humanity has been deciphering between the subjective and the objective. No longer will that battle exist. Everything will become subjective. And then, when everything is subjective, whoever controls the technology which creates the subjective reality will be able to dictate everyone’s objective reality. 

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Posted by juddgarrett

What Genuine Tyranny Looks Like

Speaker Johnson and NY GOPers invite NYPD cops attacked by migrant mob to State of the Union