
BREAKING: Russia's Supreme Court Designates The 'International LGBT Movement' As An Extremist Organization – Here's What's Next For The LGBT

A hearing by Russia’s Supreme Court on whether to designate the ‘international LGBT movement’ as an extremist organization was closed to the public, including those representing the defendant, the Russian independent media outlet Mediazona reported on Nov. 30. A Mediazona correspondent said that only representatives of Russia’s Justice Ministry were allowed in the courtroom, although journalists will be able to view the proceedings when the judge announces the decision. The ministry announced a motion on Nov. 19 to brand the ‘international LGBT movement’ as an extremist organization and ban its activities. The ministry accused the movement of causing ‘social and

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Posted by ProudAmerican

I thought I was a boy until I got my period and grew breasts

Girl, 18, is sentenced to death by village elders and executed