
Chunk Yogurt Hilariously Triggered by Hearing "JIMMY DORE" Name

Chunk Yogurt aka Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks recently appeared on “The Hill Rising” hyping a book he wrote. At first things went slightly normal for Chunk but after the first mention of the taboo name of “Jimmy Dore,” Chunk was hilariously triggered into a series of bizarre meltdowns. One big cause for Chunk going BERSERK over hearing Jimmy’s name is that Dore grabbed a big chunk of Chunk’s TYT audience resulting in The Jimmy Dore show by far exceeding in traffic Chunk’s dwindling audience. Chunk’s mind has been so DESTROYED by jealousy over the overwhelming success of Jimmy Dore’s channel that he now absurdly supports the candidacy of Marianne Williamson who favors continuing the war in Ukraine.

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