
Congress Finds That Dr. Fauci Actively Covered Up COVID Lab Origins – Truth Patriots

Dr. Anthony Fauci was found guilty by a new congressional probe of ordering scientists to create a scientific study that “disproved” the Covid-19 lab leak scenario. The Congressional investigation found that the authors of the paper, who were summoned to a Fauci-led teleconference, “skewed available evidence” to “disprove” the lab leak investigation. One of the figures who …

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Posted by Truth Patriot is a division of the Media Research Center, seeks to bring you the news the leftist media won’t cover.

Exclusive: U.S. Officials Address ‘Asymmetric Warfare’ In Recent Train Derailments, including fires at warehouses and food processing plants, and other events..

Hungary Preparing To Prosecute George Soros For His Role In NAZI War Crimes And Murders – Truth Patriots