
Crime, Black Males and the Democrat's Victim Industrial Complex

America has a problem: a subculture of black crime. We see it every day on YouTube or Twitter or your local newscast. Swarms of black teens emptying shelves of drugstores and high end retail shops and jewelry stores. More ominously however are the videos of blacks viscously brutalizing their fellow citizens at gas stations in restaurants or on the street. Every race has criminals, but when 6% of the population, black males, are responsible for over 50% of the murders and violent crimes one has to ask why, and the answer isn’t straightforward.

I’ve just finished the fascinating “Conquests and Cultures” by Thomas Sowell. He talks about the differences between the evolution of societies around the world. The primary take away is the fact that in the last 500 years the Europeans have far surpassed the rest of the planet while Africans have lagged farthest behind. Why? Because whites are genetically superior and blacks genetically inferior? Nope. Mostly because of water and geography.

Europe was graced with a large number of easily navigable rivers, numerous deep water harbors and at the same time almost every spot on the continent was within 500 miles of the sea. That water allowed most Europeans to economically trade with other Europeans and other civilizations around the world. That ability to easily trade foods, manufactured goods, people and most of all, ideas among one another and beyond allowed Europeans to harness inventions such as gunpowder from China and numbers from India to craft a civilization that far surpassed anything found anywhere else in the world. The inventiveness, efficiencies, freedoms and prosperity they developed allowed them to dominate the world for centuries.

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Posted by cstarman417

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