
Damning New Evidence Shows Dr Fauci Orchestrated Lab Leak Coverup With Falsified Documents – Truth Patriots

Congressional investigators have accused Anthony Fauci of prompting the drafting of the “Proximal Origins” paper to disprove the SARS-CoV-2 lab leak theory. “New evidence suggests Dr. Fauci prompted the drafting of ‘Proximal Origins’ to disprove the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar …

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Posted by Truth Patriot is a division of the Media Research Center, seeks to bring you the news the leftist media won’t cover.

Omission Of Children's COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths In Australia Raises Concerns

As AOC Under Investigation For MET Gala Benefits, It’s Been Revealed She Also STIFFED A Bunch Of Small Business Owners – Truth Patriots