
Democrats Blame Car Maker for Rise in Auto Thefts to Distract From Their Crappy Record on Crime – Granite Grok

During the Summer of Love (2020), Democrats demanded you support Black Lives Matter. Democrat politicians willingly defunded city police forces in the name of protecting minorities. Inner-city crime (predictably) skyrocketed, so Dem DAs hid that hockey stick (on paper) by not calling a long list of crimes… crime. But it still looks like crime to … 

Democrats Blame Car Maker for Rise in Auto Thefts to Distract From Their Crappy Record on Crime Read More »

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Posted by nhsteve

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, taxpayer advocate, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Editor at Large and a co-owner of; a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire; and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy

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