
Ex-Bill Moyers Staffer: We Used Technical Magic to Make Our Leftist “Intellectual” Guests Sound Smart – The New American

The standard liberal line, smacking of arrogance but also projection, is that conservatives are dark, dorky, and, most significantly, dumb. Yet one somewhat-disheartened liberal has learned through personal experience as a Bill Moyers staffer that the last notion may be dumb itself. For our younger friends unacquainted with Moyers, know that he’s a now 88-year-old … By Selwyn Duke

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Posted by SelwynDuke

Confirmed: Department of Defense Paid Far-Left Newsguard $749,387 to Continue to Censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media

Mockingbird Media Blackout: Pilots & flight attendants who recently had cardiac arrests in-flight & "died suddenly"…