
EXC: DOJ Removed 'International Sex Trafficking Of Minors' From Areas Of Concern. – Stephen K Bannon's War Room

The Department of Justice erased content from its webpage on child sex trafficking that highlighted the plight of “international sex trafficking of minors” in late May. The stunning revision comes amidst scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s continued incitement of mass migration via America’s porous southern border – a prime avenue for child sex trafficking – […]

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Posted by roboeamerican

Christian Conservative. I love to ride, Us Army 76-79.
I manage my own website News and Headlines, @ I also Blog on Roberts Thoughts 2 @ Where I share my thoughts,Political views things I find around the web and on occasion been known to express my religious views.

Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion

How can the housing market be stabilized despite a 40% rise in monthly payments and mortgage payments 58% higher than rent payments?