
F-22 Raptor vs 12 Buck Science Project – Flopping Aces

A deadly air battle took place over Alaska on February 10th.  That historical event was part of Biden’s new, improved strategy to shoot down everything flying over America.  Apparently, Biden is still embarrassed that citizens actually noticed a Chinese spy balloon floating “across 2,000 miles of American airspace untouched.” Oops. We weren’t supposed to find out-but we did and now the White House has declared zero tolerance for anything flying.

On February 10, 2023, a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) was spotted flying at 38,910 feet over Alaska.  A USAF, F-22 was scrambled to intercept and destroy said target. The pilot of the F-22, Captain Flintstone (call sign Bam Bam) was agitated, nervous, and stressed because he placed a “sure thing” bet of 10 grand on the Philadelphia Eagles to win the Super Bowl on February 12th.  Unfortunately, he neglected to tell his wife about the wager or the fact that he borrowed $$$ from their daughter’s college fund.

Bam Bam, flying at Mach 5, identified the UFO as some kind of balloon with the lettering LETS GO BRANDON! on the side.  Ground control immediately ordered the target destroyed with extreme prejudice.

Bam Bam muttered to himself:  “5th gen fighter vs a 14th-century balloon-it’s a dog fight!”

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Posted by cstarman417

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