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Female border patrol agent violently assaulted by illegal immigrant

NOGALES, AZ - DECEMBER 09: U.S. Border Patrol agent Nicole Ballistrea watches over the U.S.-Mexico border fence on December 9, 2014 in Nogales, Arizona. With increased manpower and funding in recent years, the Border Patol has seen the number illegal crossings and apprehensions of undocumented immigrants decrease in the Tucson sector. Agents are waiting to see if the improved U.S. economy and housing construction will again draw more immigrants from the south. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

The agenda-driven media is predictable in how much energy, if any, it will expend on stories and the report of a female border patrol agent being violently assaulted by an illegal migrant while being taken into custody is garnering little — a remarkable occurrence given the wall-to-wall national coverage the false story of border patrol agents “whipping” illegal immigrants from Haiti received, even drawing the attention of the Biden White House.

Read the full article here.

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