
Gone Fishing

Last week, Special Counsel Jack Smith sent a search warrant to X(Twitter), requesting a trove of information about the account of former President Donald J. Trump, as well as information on the millions of accounts that interacted with Trump’s account — even those that simply “liked” a tweet by Trump between October 2020 to January 2021.When Twitter initially refused to divulge that private information of its users, the government quickly fined the company $350,000.  

On the same day, Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over Jack Smith’s case against former President Donald Trump, denied a motion by Trump’s legal team seeking materials and evidence that they claim the Democrat-led House January 6th Committee, had not turned over to the National Archives. Judge Chutkan accused the Trump team of going on a “fishing expedition” for requesting those documents. These are documents that should have already been turned over to the National Archives and the public should have access to, but the government is keeping them a secret, most likely, because they have exculpatory evidence on them that Trump can use to prove his innocence.

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Posted by juddgarrett

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