
Gov Nuisance Chooses 'Non-Resident' to Fill Empty US Senate Seat … Snubs Millions of Illegals! – Granite Grok

California Governor Gavin Newsom, tasked with filling the US Senate seat vacated by Dianne Feinstein after her passing, has snubbed his state’s massive illegal immigrant population. He did choose a “non-resident,” just not one from California. I can only assume that he could not find an English-speaking black lesbian among the horde of California’s undocumented … 

Gov Nuisance Chooses ‘Non-Resident’ to Fill Empty US Senate Seat … Snubs Millions of Illegals! Read More »

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Posted by nhsteve

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, taxpayer advocate, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Editor at Large and a co-owner of; a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire; and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy

“The Office of Speaker of the House Is Hereby Declared VACANT”

Assuming one death per 800 doses, global C19 injections killed 17 million people since their roll-out – this will only increase over time – a table of deaths by