
I will NOT wear a mask, part two – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Here we go again! When the first panic over COVID arrived in 2020 and government thugs and their leftist minions in the culture began demanding that everyone where a mask, I wrote the following:

It apparently has not been enough that they have successfully destroyed a thriving economy, put millions out of work, destroyed the airline, entertainment, sports, and restaurant industries, over a disease that, at best is nothing more than a slight blip in the overall death rate, and at worst will be comparable to similar past epidemics that we lived through without government-imposed panic or economic disaster.

No, destroying millions of lives has not been enough. They need to do more. They need to find more ways to squelch our freedom, nullify the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and, to paraphrase Orwell, stamp a boot down on our faces, forever.

And in this case, they mean to do this, almost literally.

They are now beginning to demand that we wear masks at all times in public, in the mindless and stupid belief that this will somehow stop COVID-19 from spreading.

I also declared unequivocally that I would not wear a mask, “and if you demand it of me you will have a revolution on your hands.”

During the entire COVID panic I never did wear a mask, but unfortunately, there was no revolution. Americans lined up like sheep and did as they were told, despite the fact that there continues to be zero evidence that masks do anything to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, but actually contribute to its spread. The graphic to the right, from WHO, illustrates the risks of wearing a mask incorrectly. See this essay from July 2020 as well.

It now appears that the same government thugs who imposed jab and mask mandates before, working in league with the corrupt mainstream press, are once again trying to gin up another COVID panic, and force the same insane policies of lockdowns, school closures, and mask mandates all over again…..

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