
If Hamas' billionaires don't give a damn about Palestinians why should we? – Flopping Aces

Many groups are in the process of delivering aid to Gaza during the current conflict, but there is a notable absence of one group.

Hamas.  Yes, Hamas.  Did you know that there are billionaire members of Hamas? There are.

Hamas itself has done nothing for Palestinians, despite its enormous wealth. Hamas is reported to have a net worth of about $1 billion. Terrorism beeen berry berry good to many of Hamas’ leaders. Their net worths are staggering:

Dr. Musa Abu Marzook, the number 2 man in Hamas: $2-3 billion

Khaled Mashaal, Hamas’ leader: $2.6 billion

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh: $4 million

Iman Taha, Hamas official:  $1 million

What are they not doing with the money?

Despite the considerable Hamas net worth, a considerable portion of the Palestinian population continues to live in poverty. Unemployment rates in the West Bank and Gaza are about 30%, and approximately 60% of the Palestinian population lives under the international poverty line of $2 per day. This discrepancy suggests a significant misuse and misdirection of the funds Hamas controls.

The corruption is not dissimilar to Ukraine, but Hamas is inhuman.

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Posted by cstarman417

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