
“If President Trump Campaigns Black, He Will Be Back” (in the White House) – Flopping Aces

My title for this column was meant to be funny, attention-getting and a bit tongue-in-cheek. But what my headline represents is real. It is “serious as a heart attack,” as the famous saying goes.

For all intents and purposes, President Trump is now the GOP nominee for President. It’s time to start the general election campaign. And I have the plan…

President Trump needs to go after the black vote 24/7 for the next nine months. This is THE road to victory.

I’m no Johnny-Come-Lately. I’ve been recommending this strategy for President Trump for many years. I wrote about it way back during the 2016 campaign. I wrote about it again during the 2020 race. I’ve given speeches about it.

The strategy is simple. President Trump already has the overwhelming majority of white middle-class voters. White middle-class America is “all-in” for Trump. Trump “had them at hello!”

But President Trump cannot win the 2024 election with just middle-class white votes. Even if it’s virtually ALL OF THEM!

Trump has so many white votes locked up, if he gets even a slight increase in black and minority votes, he will win a landslide.

That’s why President Trump needs to campaign 24/7 for the next nine months for black and minority votes. That’s the whole ballgame, the whole kitchen sink, the whole enchilada.

If Trump grabs an extra 10% to 20% of the black vote, “the fat lady sings.”

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Posted by cstarman417

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