
Ingraham: This is a scandal of monumental significance

Ingraham: Money, fame and a lucrative obsession with gain of function research were more important to Fauci than coming clean to American people. #foxnews #f…

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Posted by roboeamerican

Christian Conservative. I love to ride, Us Army 76-79.
I manage my own website News and Headlines, @ I also Blog on Roberts Thoughts 2 @ Where I share my thoughts,Political views things I find around the web and on occasion been known to express my religious views.

Sen. Kennedy Roasts Fauci – 'A Smart Man With A Silver Tongue, Undermined Science & Public Health' [VIDEO]

WATCH: Journalist Matt Taibbi Delivers EPIC Opening Statement To Congress About the 'Twitter Files' – It's 'Digital McCarthyism' – DC Enquir