
Is Ben & Jerry's Taking a Bud-Light-Level Beating After Ignorant Independence Day Tweet? – Granite Grok

Yesterday, I scrabbled together a quick comment on Ben & Jerry’s ignorant indigenous Independence Day tweet, but when I saw Rob Roper’s take, mine went into the digital dustbin. I liked his more, but the fates have since blessed me with news that makes for a great follow-up.

Is Ben & Jerry’s Taking a Bud-Light-Level Beating After Ignorant Independence Day Tweet? Read More »

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Posted by nhsteve

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, taxpayer advocate, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Editor at Large and a co-owner of; a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire; and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy

This'll Be Fun: Satanic Group Claims Abortion Ban Violates Their Religious Freedom – Granite Grok

All Of A Sudden, Child Trafficking Has Become One Of The Hottest Topics In America…