
Is Michelle Obama going to replace Senator Feinstein to jumpstart a presidential run? – Flopping Aces

What are the odds Gavin Newsom will replace Dianne Feinstein with Michelle Obama to start Obama’s real return to the White House?  Barack Hussein Obama wants to finish off the country with a fraudulent fourth term with Michelle as the ‘president’, starting her run by being appointed to replace Dianne Feinstein.

Consider the visible manifestations of the intrigue taking place behind the scenes of the fascist far left the past few days.  One is the sudden re-emergence of Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle (aka ‘Big M’) along with a tug of war within the ranks of the authoritarian collectivists on what to do about Senator Feinstein.

Meanwhile, Mr. Demented Disaster, himself the head of Team Wrecking Ball, is gearing up for another ‘run’ at pretending to be president. It is almost entirely obvious to everyone that it shouldn’t even be close. Frankly, at this point, it shouldn’t matter if it’s Ron or Don, Team Freedom could run a pastrami on rye and still win with Biden as the opponent with 4 years of disaster under his belt.

We’re presenting this case simply because it’s better to be forewarned of danger and to pre-puncture this little party balloon they have planned. After all, they would love to spring this on everyone as a ‘wonderful’ surprise.  If we’ve already predicted and discussed this little trick, it’ll take some wind out of their sails.

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Posted by cstarman417

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