
‘Leaving a Cult’: Mom Regrets Encouraging 4-yr-old to be ‘Transgender’

A mother is now expressing deep regret after previously encouraging her then-4-year-old son to “transition” to female. She compared “transgender” ideology to a “cult” and noted that it is very dangerous precisely because the cult’s worshippers do not even realize it is a sort of religion. “How else could I describe being in something so deep, that I could not see outside of it?” the mother said. “At least when you are religious, you realize you hold beliefs, you understand you have a faith, and you consciously practice it. This was different. I had been in something that I did not know I was in.” 

The mother was already deep in LGBTQ ideology at the time, because she had a “wife.” People of the same sex cannot get married, of course, but the phraseology does indicate that, when once a person accepts any level of sexual perversion, it is very hard not to keep going down that dangerous path. This is why conservatives cannot make compromises with evil. 

But the radical left does not want any truth spoken about the LGBTQ cult. “Detransitioners,” or “transgenders” who bravely return to living as their biological sex, often face backlash or have their stories suppressed. 

By the way, “transgender” surgeries are a lucrative business. The “transgender” surgery industry is projected to be worth $5 billion by the end of this decade. Surgeons are getting rich off mutilating children.

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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