
Masters of the Universe

The World Economic Forum is happening this week in Davos, Switzerland, so hundreds of the richest people in the world will stream in on their private jets leaving a chemtrail of carbon in their wake, so they can lecture the commercial flying public about the dangers of their carbon footprint. But these people do not believe in global warming any more than the biggest climate skeptics do. Their words and actions scream their disbelief in the ideology they spend so much time and money promoting. When they claim their climate activism is saving the planet, they are serious, not because they believe that carbon dioxide is an actual threat to the environment, but that individual sovereign people making decisions for their lives is a threat to their plans for a new world order.  

Billionaire and outspoken climate activist, Bill Gates admitted this when he said, “I probably have one of the biggest greenhouse gas footprints of anyone on the planet… My personal flying alone is gigantic.” But he is the guy that is shaming average Americans into purchasing electric car that they do not want for $10,000 more than their trusted gas-powered cars.

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Posted by juddgarrett

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