
Michigan township forms militia to protect citizens' 2nd Amendment rights from Gov. Whitmer's gun regulations | Blaze Media

A township in Muskegon County has declared itself a Second Amendment sanctuary and created a maximally inclusive militia in hopes of protecting citizens’ constitutional rights from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s gun control laws. What’s the background? Democrats control both chambers of the Michigan st…

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Posted by roboeamerican

Christian Conservative. I love to ride, Us Army 76-79.
I manage my own website News and Headlines, @ I also Blog on Roberts Thoughts 2 @ Where I share my thoughts,Political views things I find around the web and on occasion been known to express my religious views.

Migrants move into San Diego airport as state's homelessness crisis overwhelms shelter system | Blaze Media

Hospitals In Multiple States Forced To Divert Patients From Emergency Rooms And Reroute Ambulances Due To Cyberattack