
Minutes After Biden's Attack Speech Last Night, Internet Blows Up About What Was Caught on Camera!

RR News Update! – July 2nd, 2024 Justus Knight

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On today’s broadcast:

Title: Minutes After Biden’s Attack Speech Last Night, Internet Blows Up About What Was Caught on Camera!

Description :

Biden lost another ‘major debate’ last night, with no opponent other than the Mike Tyson of teleprompters that has KOd him more time that Whoopie Goldberg has embarrassed herself on the Witches of The View. However, that turned out not to be the headline of the night. No, rather, immediately after his incoherent mumbling appearance the internet lit up with speculation and rumor on something everyone had seen that they couldn’t believe! Did you catch it, it is truly the story that keeps on giving!

As expected, the President, known for calling Donald J. Trump a whiner, took to the stage on Monday night and complained for four minutes. In a disjointed and pitiful display of poor leadership, reminiscent of a toddler throwing a tantrum over their parents taking away their favorite box of crayons, President Joe Biden delivered misleading remarks to the American people. He referred to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Trump’s absolute immunity as a “terrible disservice to the people of this nation,” while reiterating that “the President is not above the law.” Conveniently forgetting, of course, that he himself has ignored the Supreme Court on multiple occasions.

However the most important details of the night reside with the teleprompter and what was missing from the speech that should have the Country talking today. Did you catch it? If you didn’t, you missed everything!

Or as Steven Miller stated on X |

“The President who bragged about going around a SCOTUS ruling on student loans is now worried Presidents can do whatever they want. The shamelessness is the point.”

So now who’s the lying dog face pony soldier….but that was just the beginning of the train wreck that we’re going to cover for you in more detail in just one minute.

President Biden then took aim at the ‘far-right’ members of the Supreme Court (especially those Trump appointed) for “gutting voting rights and civil rights, taking away a woman’s right to choose, and today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation.” So another words he again recited, the same tired, worn out, and shameless pandering points that have been recited as much as your grandfather repeating ‘that one time in band camp story’ that makes the entire family leave the fire pit and seek peace and solitude in the warm embrace of a bear and wolf filled forest.

Immediately thereafter he fires another lie across the bow of a bewildered argument by stating, again, “my predecessor sent a violent mob to the US Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power…” spewing the same hate filled, delusional, Nation dividing talking points that has become the hallmark of the administration. Let’s never forget what Trump really said again.

Mollie Hemingway on X stated |

“In a mumbly, halting reading of his needed teleprompter, Biden is lying about January 6, lying about Donald Trump, and lying about what the Supreme Court ruled today.”

Biden quoted directly from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent, which was notably political and perfectly tailored for today’s social media sound-bite audience. She stated, “…with fear for our democracy, I dissent,” to which Biden added, “so should the American people dissent, I dissent.”

This elicited a strange reaction, as many in the Biden orbit has been echoing strange and peculiar reactions such as Marc Elias who stated and as captured here by Mike Benz |

“why r u guys so afraid of retribution — did u, like, do something to him?”

As Mollie further noted on X:

“Biden was only able to speak for 3-4 minutes and refused questions from even his most reliably allies in the press, as per usual. He is apparently unwilling or unable to speak without the teleprompter.”
This is what the President of the United States of America, leader of the greatest Nation in the history of the World has been reduced to. But, hold on for one minute, ‘PUMPKIN’ still coming up you can’t afford to miss.

Now before we get to the most shocking portion of the evening, let’s not forget the monumental the has the Dem

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