
Morning Joe Finally Addresses His 2020 Laptop Story Smear of NY Post

In his own words, Joe Scarborough has been exposed by history as a FOOL and useful IDIOT. Here we see Scarborough bloviating in October 2020 while smearing the New York Post for publishing the Hunter Biden laptop story. Yeah, a story that has been proven TRUE to the extent that the prosecutors used Hunter’s laptop as evidence against him in his recent gun trial. But, of course, Scarborough has not learned even a smidgen of humility by being so incredibly wrong. Instead he is again smearing the New York Post for publishing stories about videos revealing Joe Biden’s loss of cognitive ability. Scarborough’s shtick (along with much of the media) is to laughably claim that the videos we see of Joe Biden are in reality Deep Fakes produced with the help of AI. They base this on the absurd notion that other videos shot from different angles show something radically different except when you look at those other videos they show exactly what we saw before at a different angle. IOW, don’t believe your lyin’ eyes. Oh, and also don’t believe Blowhard Joe. He has been proven by history to be consistently WRONG but never NEVER owns up to it.

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