
Murky Mr. Magoo: Biden's Debate Blunder Has Democrats in a Panic – Flopping Aces

Joe Biden’s halting debate performance against President Trump last night was a shock and a surprise to a large number of ordinary Americans who just woke up from a coma. As for we unlucky non-coma victims, who’ve had to sit through the entire show, we knew this day was coming sooner or later. NBC ran its version of the Titanic-sized disaster story under the bizarre —but truthful— headline, “‘Babbling’ and ‘hoarse’: Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats into a panic.” Instead of delivering Dark Brandon, the Democrats served up Murky Mr. Magoo.

Haha! But don’t get the wrong idea. The debate was a four-alarm fire for democrats, but NBC rolled out the trucks and ladders, with the damage control starting right from the minimizing subheadline, which suggested the former Vice President only had a sore throat: “The president often had a weak, raspy voice during his first debate against Trump in what Democrats had hoped would be a turning point in the race.”

Tragically for the Biden Campaign, the rush of events forced them to commit to a weak, early excuse: Biden had a cold. I was sick and couldn’t turn in my homework!

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For a time, they tried to hold the line of criticism, but as you will see the fire rapidly burned out of control. Right after the debate, only 33% of CNN’s cherry-picked debate watchers thought Biden won the debate, his lowest score to date.

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They’re going to need a better narrative. NBC reported that, back when they thought Dark Brandon was showing up, “the Biden campaign acknowledged that the debate would be a critical moment in the election, with officials hoping it could shake up the race to his benefit.”

More 2024 records were set yesterday. Yesterday’s was the earliest Presidential debate in history. It was the first in history scheduled before either man has been officially nominated as the candidate of their political party. So, technically, it wasn’t even a presidential debate. And it was the first without a live debate audience. And, of course, it was the first time ever that a sitting President debated the immediately preceding President.

If there was one gaffe that defined the entire sordid show, it was when, at one point, Biden erratically and inexplicably claimed, “We finally beat Medicare.” I am not making that up. I’ve searched everywhere and nobody seems to know what he meant. But Biden’s mysterious anti-Medicare boast capped off a long, crepusclar ramble that was arguably even more senseless, and which truly must be seen and heard to be believed

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Posted by cstarman417

Debate Disaster! Media Meltdown! – Biden to Drop Out? – Total Panic in Democrat Party! Whoa!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a mental breakdown over there being too many White men in Congress