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Paul Todd on Gab: 'I can't express to you enough how much Trump indi…'

Paul Todd on Gab: ‘I can’t express to you enough how much Trump indictments, Speaker of the House drama, Ukraine and Israel are the L E A S T of your worries… All the Kabuki Theater thats gone on for the last few years is ALL an act to keep you from seeing the true actual problem… and its devastating’

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Posted by Ball Buster

"The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen." - Justice Potter Stewart - UVAXXED Blood - USMC 1960-1963 conservative President Trump supporter Born again in Laos (Plain of Jars) humor and to laff at myself - Ours is Not to Wonder Why, Ours is But to Do Or Die -- Semper Fi

Canadian Province of Alberta Defies Ottawa, Shields Power Companies From Trudeau’s Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

WTF: Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules | Elijah Schaffer's Top 5 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Elijah Shaffer