
Politico Uses Climate Change to Hype 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform'

It the magic phrase so beloved by liberals. Despite the lack of enforcement of existing immigration laws especially at the border, liberals claim that “comprehensive immigration reform” will somehow solve the current problems. Of course, they never get into specifics because to do so would make it very difficult to ever pass such legislation. The most they do is vaguely suggest a “path to citizenship” (i.e. amnesty) for the millions of people now illegally residing in the United States.

Therefore Politico and its merry band of liberals in Zach Colman, Myah Ward, and Eli Stokols must be given credit for creativity for dreaming up a wild stretch in order to justify “comprehensive immigration reform.” See, despite over 300 million people living in America they contend that there are somehow not enough people here to fill the green energy jobs made necessary by, get this, climate change. This laughable pitch was put forward on Monday by the trio in “No avoiding it now: Immigration issues threaten Biden’s climate program.”

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