
Prima Nocta

In the movie, Braveheart, King Longshanks says, “the trouble with Scotland is that it is full of Scots. Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. Grant them Prima Nocta, first night. When a common girl is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. If we can’t get them out. We will breed them out.” Prima Nocta was England’s attempt to conquer Scotland, not through war, but by changing the demographics of the country.

Conquering a nation without a military invasion is happening to the United States right now. The geography of the United States – oceans on our eastern and western borders, Canada to our north and Mexico to our south – has always made it very difficult for other countries to invade and conquer. It is one of the keys to our prosperity, our security from foreign invasion. The mass illegal immigration that is flooding into the United States, over the last three years, is designed to take over our country without firing a shot. It would be impossible for Third World countries to conquer the United States militarily, so those who want to destroy America are trying to do so by shifting its demographics through illegal immigration.

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Posted by juddgarrett

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