
Red States Are Banning DEI (Anti-White Racism) … Why Can't New Hampshire – Granite Grok

DEI is simply the sublimation of anti-white racism. Individuals are simply a factor of their skin color, and whatever other identity factors the Democrat Party decides are oppressed and need protecting. That fill-in-the-blank is too white, too male, too Christian, too heterosexual. The idea is to get people to view each other and themselves not …

Red States Are Banning DEI (Anti-White Racism) … Why Can’t New Hampshire Read More »

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Posted by nhsteve

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, taxpayer advocate, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Editor at Large and a co-owner of; a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire; and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy

A Restaurant Apocalypse Is Starting To Sweep Across America & That Is Bad News For The U.S. Economy

“Everything is more expensive. Debt is more expensive. Rent is more expensive. Food, gas, everything,”