
Sunday data doodling – how have US households been impacted by rising prices over the last four to five years? Maybe at least 4,000 bucks a year – plus a look at the costs of wind turbines

People across the USA have been impacted by the three-legged stool of the Maoist/Marxist/Cult of Moloch over the last four to five years. The Cult – having failed to impeach Trump using treasonous tactics – inflicted a scamdemic, rigged an election and poisoned the American population leaving tens of millions wounded and 700,000 dead. In order to cover up the corruption of the Clinton and Biden crime families AND they started a war with Ukraine that risks nuclear Armageddon because or Russia’s refusal to allow continued bombing of eastern, Russian speaking Ukrainians and the presence of pathogen and bioweapons labs aimed at Russia.

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Posted by peter halligan

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