
Sunspot update: After going through the roof last month, sunspots drop into the attic this month – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

With the start of another month NOAA this week updated its graph that tracks the number of sunspots on the Sun’s Earth-facing hemisphere. As I do every month, I have post that updated graph below, adding some additional details to provide some context.

Last month the number of sunspots rocketed upward to the highest seen since 2014, and only the second time since November 2002 that the Sun was that active. In February those high numbers dropped, though the sunspot activity during the month remained well above the 2020 prediction by NOAA’s panel of solar scientists….

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Posted by brzin

Sightseeing in the region near the Starship landing zone – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Tucker: They're trying to erase women