
The Cost of Joe Biden – Flopping Aces

This Memorial Day Weekend, it seems like every news outlet from YouTube to the New York Times is talking about President Trump’s rally in the Bronx. No Republican has won there in over 100 years. It’s deep deep blue territory. Still, he’s not looking to be President of the red hat people. He was President of the United States before, and despite being undermined by his opponents to the maximum levels, he still worked to Make America Great Again for all Americans. By every statistic, he did more than President Biden.

Oh, there’s no shortage of people who will debate that, but as MSNBC and CNN reporters found out at the rally, the polls and stats don’t compare with what people tell them. The issues that bother Americans are the issues that are felt directly by Americans. Can a person afford a new car, or house, or washing machine? Can a person afford food, or are they waiting in line at church parking lots for free food donations? Can they afford higher education for their kids, and should they? What will happen to us, to our families?

There’s the rub. It’s been President Biden’s job to make life better. He promised he could do it, and he promised he would do it. As Vice President, he and President Obama came to office based on three things: 1) they were going to end the war in Iraq on Day 1. 2) For a stick, they were going to make life better for their supporters by shooting down opponents by playing the race card and intersectionality games. Finally, 3)most of all, they had a carrot. They promised HOPE and CHANGE. President Biden tossed HOPE and CHANGE to the wayside in 2020. Instead, he campaigned from his basement, and he promised to be the great Uniter.

President Biden does not like the American people-PERIOD. He likes the people who donate to his campaigns. He likes the people who keep him in power (usually so they can remain in power). Likewise, he puts up with his supporters. Everyone else is dead to him. He can’t stand the mass media and fears them-it’s not uncommon to see his hands shake when he faces them. On the other hand, the Great Uniter never misses an opportunity to do 2 things: complain about how Mega-Maga Republicans are a threat to the United States of America, and he likes to mention all the different ways his son died. And sleep. He likes to vacation and sleep.

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Posted by cstarman417

Economic quandary: Treasury needs low rates to manage debt, Fed requires high rates against inflation.

Props to Donald Trump