
The Journalist Who Falsely Accused a Child of 'Blackface' And Racism Has His Old Tweets Resurfaced, and Hoo Boy

Sports news site Deadspin smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face. The little boy, who looks to be only 10 years old, attended a Kansas City Chiefs game with the team’s colors – black and red – painted on his face. This will be the easiest defamation case in American history. Deadspin is in real trouble. This could end them. Deadspin writer Carron Phillips went after the innocent child and accused him of ‘hating’ black people and Native Americans at the same

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Posted by ProudAmerican

Checking In on the Rainbow Utopia

How Wokeness has killed Military Recruiting: Thanks Obama… – AFNN