
The UK used to have a beer called “Greene King Indian Pale Ale” – it now has a “Green King International P*** Artist” – Charles III speaks at COP28 – and virtue

From here: The King warns that man is carrying out a ‘vast, frightening experiment’ on the planet and our grandchildren ‘will be living with the consequences of what we did or didn’t do’ ( Here’s a reprise of a few howlers: “King Charles warned yesterday that man is carrying out a ‘vast, frightening experiment’ on the planet and our grandchildren ‘will be living with the consequences of what we did or didn’t do’.

This got my hopes up. Maybe he was about to unleash on the disastrous impact of the “one size fits all” global poisoning with 8 billion mRNA and 5 billion “other” C19 injections that have killed tens of millions and generated billions of injuries!

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Posted by peter halligan

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