
Today’s blacklisted American: “Progressive” leftists in Seattle can’t even take a joke, blackballing four comedians – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

They’re coming for you next: Not surprisingly, a comedy club located in the heart of Seattle, in the very same CHAZ neighborhood (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) that leftist Antifa thugs took over in 2020 after the death of George Floyd, has cancelled the scheduled appearance of four comedians, apparently because all four were considered too moderate and not “progressive” enough for that radical community of close-minded fascists. As rationalized in an email to the comedians, comedy club officials explained:

Capitol Hill is known for its progressive values, and we’ve received significant feedback expressing  concerns about the alignment of these upcoming shows with the  neighborhood’s ethos. This feedback includes concerns from local  advocacy groups that are deeply embedded in our community and work  towards upholding its values.

Given  the feedback and to avoid any potential negative impact on both our  club and the artists involved, as well as to maintain the harmony within  our community, we believe the most responsible course of action is to  not move forward with the shows for Dave Smith on April 11th, Luis J  Gomez for May 31st-June 1st, Jim Florentine for September 20th-21st and  sadly Kurt Metzger on October 11th-12th as well.

The email also added most dishonestly, “We truly value the art of comedy and the diverse perspectives it brings to our lives.”

What a crock….

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Posted by brzin

“Thar’s gold in them there asteroids!” – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

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