
UN slashes in half its death count of women and children for Gaza – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

The United Nations on May 8, 2024 very quietly cut in half the number of women and children listed as killed in Gaza during the Israeli operation.

The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) revised its child fatality figure from the Gaza war sharply downward, reporting more than 14,500 deaths on May 6 but then 7,797 on May 8. OCHA also revised downward its figure for women fatalities from more than 9,500 deaths to 4,959 deaths.

This follows the recognition in April that more than 10,000 casualities on Hamas’ list had no names or identifying information, and were removed. At that same time Hamas’ Gaza Ministry of Health stopped claiming that 70% of those killed were women and children. It apparently realized the lie was no longer working, that even its allies in the UN couldn’t buy it any longer.

In other words, the UN has finally acknowledged that the numbers it was getting from Hamas were bogus and made-up. Too bad it took this long, as anyone with any objectivity could have told the UN this fact months ago….

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A database for identifying pro-Hamas anti-Semites – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Curiosity looks forward and back – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman