
Video, Eyewitness Testify Antifa Dressed as MAGA Jan. 6, Committed Violence

While Tucker Carlson‘s reveals about January 6, 2021, are incredibly important, there is other video evidence as well now circulating online demonstrating that at least some of the supposed violence committed on January 6 was not committed by Trump supporters. It was committed by leftists trying to make Trump supporters look bad. Which again seems to support the argument that January 6 was just a set-up from the left and the feds. Hopefully more evidence will be forthcoming soon.

First of all, the Western Journal reported in Nov. 2021 that Ret. AF Lt. General Thomas G. McInerny insisted, “We know Black Lives Matter was there [on Jan. 6], and we’ve identified them and antifa.” So we do have evidence from a while ago that Antifa was in fact involved on January 6. There are videos now on Twitter apparently showing Antifa disguising themselves as Trump supporters and being driven off the steps of the Capitol or prevented from breaking windows by Trump supporters. 

Then there’s a video of an eyewitness of the Capitol “riot” speaking to someone on Jan. 6 about his experiences. The eyewitness, who said he was an emergency management coordinator in Pennsylvania, stated that he saw Antifa trying to disguise themselves and saying, “We got to shake this up so that these people look bad.” He said they then headed over and broke a window on the Capitol. As he started to walk away, wanting to get away from the violence, he said they seemed to be trying to break a second window.

He said he also saw some of the supposed “mob violence” on the other side of the Capitol, explaining that when people started to climb the scaffolding, tear plastic, and such, Trump supporters around them began to say “These aren’t our people.” The eyewitness himself insisted, “They weren’t Trump supporters, I’m telling you.”

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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