
When Doonesbury Went from Stupid to Completely Insane – Flopping Aces

I became a semi-fan of Doonesbury as a kid via my older brothers. I obviously didn’t get most of the political humor, but there was enough non political content to get my interest. Eventually I’d be able to appreciate most of the content directed at Reagan all the way through Dubya. And like every lefty remotely connected to entertainment, author Garry Trudeau’s sense of humor evaporated once Barry O became President. After a few recent particularly crazy Sunday comics aimed at President Trump I remembered having written about Doonesbury a while back. It turned out that would have been back in 2010:

I stopped reading Doonesbury a few years ago. During the Bush presidency the strip became little more than the rants of an aging, bitter leftist. His strips (outside of his regular characters) could be boiled down to five themes:
Hatred for Bush
Hatred for Fox News
Hatred for Bush
Hatred for Schwarzenegger
Hatred for Bush

Like all Leftist political humor, it just got boring and predictable. I’d occasionally check it, and since being married to Sister Babe I now see Doonesbury in the comics section of the Sunday Washington Compost. And yes, out of morbid curiosity I do read the strip, but now it’s for a view into a mind that is viscously infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Two recent “comics” caught my attention. I’d post the comics themselves here, but to avoid any copyright issues I’ll embed tweets that contain them.

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Posted by cstarman417

The lawfare targeting of republican lawyers— can’t challenge anymore Elections if there are no lawyers to take the case

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