
You're Dead (Trans Edition)

Warning: We are going to be EXTRA insensitive today.Back in the mid-1980’s, a hardcore musical group morphed together in the bowels of New York City. That band? Stormtroopers of Death. Now I don’t want to dwell on the band, per se, but they recorded a number of mean-spirited, yet hilarious, songs, all with the same gimmick. The songs would all be titled: The Ballad of (fill in the blank.) For example, the Ballad of INXS.Ballad Of INXSThe rhythm section would play a slice of the deceased’s musi

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Posted by BeaconofSpeech

Libertarian-leaning, free speech site. We do not do a thorough job of actually focusing on the tenets of free speech.

Bill Limiting Power of Local Public Health Officials Heads to Governor's Desk – Granite Grok

JUST IN—President Trump gives an extended statement to the press outside of the NYC courtroom