
YouTube Promoted Via Censorship Deadly COVID Drug Remdesivir

On January 2, 2022, YouTube hit my video “Was Remdesivir the Provasic of 2020?” with a Community Guidelines Violation strike and took it down. What you see here in YouTube Files #2 is the back and forth between me and @TeamYouTube on Twitter. Yes, YouTube finally relented but only because of what I suspected was fear of Congress. And speaking of the latter, I hope that the House hearings investigate the unholy alliance between YouTube and Gilead in helping to promote via censorship the latter’s highly dangerous drug and expensive drug, Remdesivir. A drug that was promoted by none other than the psychopathic liar Anthony Fauci.

Susan Wojcicki, you in your role as YouTube CEO committed what is effectively a crime against humanity by promotion of this deadly drug and you MUST face the consequences at a House hearing.

Was Remdesivir the Provasic of 2020?

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