
Zionist threat to Americans

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Zionist threat to Americans

Kevin Barrett – Truth Jihadist and on Substack



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Zionism seemed a perfectly fine dream – a century ago – for many Jews longing for their homeland.  They imagined they could raise money and work voluntarily with Levant residents to influence the character of the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. 

What most Jews didn’t know was that Zionist leaders knew that their dream of a “Jewish state” would inevitably require the removal – or worse – of the native population.  That long-planned replacement “went live” in 1948. President Truman’s recognition of Israel that year made the US complicit in Zionism—a complicity that has steadily worsened, and now threatens to end the US empire.

And with taxpayer aid to Israel taking off after the 1973 war – ostensibly to avoid higher costs from direct U.S. involvement – costs have risen and safety for Americans has plummeted (via victims of unjustified US interventionism). Marrying Israel’s future with America’s now is leading to possible war in Iran and World War III.  Is it time to disconnect Zionist interests with America’s?

Think about this:  Recently presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was asked if Israel carried outsized influence in America’s government.  Kennedy’s pause before answering was pregnant with implications.  This discussion involves more than just Zionism.

Iconic lawyer Dershowitz bragged about “Jewish Power”, and no one can sit easily when the Rothschilds – who founded the international bankster system – said it mattered not at all who ruled, …”as long as I control the money supply”. 

Is it time to clear special ethnic or foreign interests from America’s decisions? Join the discussion with the Truth Jihadist himself, the very well-spoken, multi-book author and fired college professor, Kevin Barrett.

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