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Are Vaccines Causing Chronic Diseases?

Are vaccines the primary culprit for Americans’ increasing number of chronic diseases? Is the deadly Covid-19 vaccine part of a pattern rather than an exception? One vaccine data analyst believes he has the data to support those claims.

It is true that, ever since the number of childhood vaccines has been astronomically increased, more and more young people (myself included) have chronic diseases. To be fair, I think there is an argument to be made that some of the vaccines are or were helpful—vaccines developed before the modern pharmaceutical mania and before the wide use of aborted fetal tissues (even in the early 1990s, you could count the number of recommended vaccines on your fingers, a marked contrast to today). There are also other explanations for chronic conditions, such as man-made Lyme Disease. But we certainly have far too many vaccines now, and we can no longer trust the medical and pharmaceutical industries to be in any way honest about their safety and effectiveness.

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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