
Biden Email Bombshell – Bigger than Clinton's Scandal – Flopping Aces

2021 was the year that brought Hunter Biden’s laptop into the limelight. What it unveiled was not surprising knowing the level of corruption in the Biden family. It revealed that while Joe Biden held the position of vice president, he operated a network of private email accounts for official business. Among these accounts, the aliases,, and were responsible for a whopping 82,000 pages of email exchanges – that’s more than what Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server, as confirmed by the National Archives.

But the real twist in this tale? The Archives had been keeping this secret. It took the bold action of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, to file a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to unearth this trove of emails, spanning eight years. Brace yourself; it’s going to be a time-consuming journey to sift through these records.

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