
Biden: I'm in great shape except for my brain. The possible nightmare scenario that could follow dumping him – Flopping Aces

Last night after being introduced on the 4th of July, Joe Biden greeted the crowd with a hearty “Ho ho ho!”

KAMALA: “We give thanks to our commander-in-chief, the vice— the president!”

But even before that his brain wandered off.

Earlier in the day, Biden seemingly lost his train of thought as he stumbled through his very brief speech at a White House barbeque — bizarrely claiming that highway congestion no longer exists and nearly calling nemesis Donald Trump his “colleague.”

“I probably shouldn’t even say that … anyway,” the commander in chief said after the latter bumble to a crowd of military service members and their families.

Biden trailed off several times in his four-minute speech, which was peppered with slurring, despite having a teleprompter at his disposal.

Biden is currently on his tour to convince America that he’s not what we see him to be. In fact, he’s planning a $50 million spending spree to that effort. The arguments he’s making could be coming directly from the RNC.

To bolster his argument that he’s still intact he released a heavily edited video criticizing what he claims are heavily edited videos (none of which were edited).

But it gets worse. A lot worse.

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Posted by cstarman417

Historica Canada deleted this 60-second Heritage Minute video about Sir John A. Macdonald from YouTube citing “feedback from educators